T 1157/12 (Supplying a result to a plurality of registers/INTEL) of 8.1.2018

European Case Law Identifier: ECLI:EP:BA:2018:T115712.20180108
Date of decision: 08 January 2018
Case number: T 1157/12
Application number: 01991757.4
IPC class: G06F 9/38
G06F 9/30
Language of proceedings: EN
Distribution: D
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Decision text in EN (PDF, 321 KB)
Documentation of the appeal procedure can be found in the Register
Bibliographic information is available in: EN
Versions: Unpublished
Applicant name: Intel Corporation
Opponent name: -
Board: 3.5.06
Headnote: -
Relevant legal provisions:
European Patent Convention 1973 Art 56
European Patent Convention 1973 Art 84
European Patent Convention 1973 Art 83
European Patent Convention Art 123(2)
Keywords: Inventive step - (yes)
Claims - clarity (yes)
Sufficiency of disclosure - (yes)
Amendments - added subject-matter (no)


Cited decisions:
Citing decisions:

Summary of Facts and Submissions

I. This is an appeal against the decision, dispatched with reasons on 10 November 2011, refusing European patent application No. 01 991 757.4 on the basis that the claims according to a main and an auxiliary request contained added subject-matter, Article 123(2) EPC, and were unclear, Article 84 EPC. In addition, the invention was found to be insufficiently disclosed, Article 83 EPC.

II. A notice of appeal and the appeal fee were received on 4 January 2012.

III. With a statement of grounds of appeal, received on 12 March 2012, the appellant submitted amended claims and description pages according to a new main and a new auxiliary request. The appellant requested that a patent be granted on the basis of said main or auxiliary request and made an auxiliary request for oral proceedings.

IV. The application is thus being considered in the following form:


Main request: page 1 as originally filed and pages 2, 2a and 3 to 6 (main request), received with the grounds of appeal.

Auxiliary request: page 1 as originally filed and pages 2, 2a and 3 to 6 (auxiliary request), received with the grounds of appeal.

Claims (all received with the grounds of appeal)

Main request: 1 to 11.

Auxiliary request: 1 to 10.

Drawings (both requests):

Pages 1/4 to 4/4, as originally filed.

V. The independent claims according to the main request read as follows:

"1. A signal processing device comprising a plurality of functional units (UCl-UCn) for processing digital data based on an instruction word, and a plurality of register files (RFl-RFn) for storing results obtained from respective ones of said functional units, wherein said functional units are arranged to supply a result and a logical register address derived from respective instructions in said instruction word, characterized by register allocation means (RA), wherein the functional units are arranged to supply the result and the logical register address to the register allocation means (RA), and wherein the register allocation means (RA) are arranged for selecting at least two of said register files (RFl-RFn) and for supplying said result and said logical register address or a register address derived from the logical register address to said selected register files, if said instruction word comprises a corresponding indication."

"8. A method of supplying a signal processing result to a plurality of registers arranged in different register files (RAl-RAn) of a signal processing device, said method comprising the steps of:

a) determining a logical register address based on an instruction in an instruction word, and

b) supplying said logical register address or an address derived from the logical register address to said plurality of register files, characterized by the steps of

c) selecting said different register files based on a corresponding indication in said instruction word and supplying said logical register address or said derived address to said selected register files."

VI. The wording of the claims according to the auxiliary request is not material to this decision.

Reasons for the Decision

1. Admissibility of the appeal

In view of the facts set out at points I to III above, the appeal fulfills the admissibility requirements under the EPC and is consequently admissible.

2. Summary of the invention

2.1 The application relates to a digital signal processor (DSP) using VLIW ("Very Large Instruction Words") containing a plurality of instructions so that a plurality of partial tasks are processed in parallel by individual functional units, i.e. pipeline stages.

2.2 The DSP uses "data stationary" instruction encoding, understood by the board to mean that an instruction travels together with associated data in a pipeline and controls the sequence of operations performed on these data in each pipeline stage. A consequence is that complex hardware is required to buffer data path control information supplied by the processor sequencer. The results from the functional units are stored in register files comprising a plurality of register files (RF) addressable using a "result register index" (RRI). Often a functional unit can only read its operands from, or write its result to, a subset of register files. If a register file is inaccessible to a functional unit, then a copy of the variable has to be written to an accessible register file. The writing of a result in the same cycle to multiple register files is termed "broadcasting" or "multicasting".

2.3 In a data stationary processor an output port of the functional unit has to select one of multiple result buses to which the register file write ports are connected to perform a write operation. This leads to an undesirable increase in processor cost when implementing a broadcasting function, the board understanding that the extra cost is caused by extra complexity. The invention is thus directed to the problem of reducing device complexity in implementing a broadcasting function; see page 2a, lines 9 to 10. The invention solves this problem by overlapping register address spaces; see page 3, lines 10 to 11. This is achieved by addressing several register files using the same logical register address; see page 3, lines 4 to 6. This has the effect that copy operations between register files can be eliminated, since, as shown in figures 1 and 4, the result data and a logical register address are supplied to a register file allocation means (RA) which generates result register indices (RRI) to select at least two register files (RF1-RFn) and supplies the result data and the RRI to the selected register files. Hence the results of the functional units (see "Result data") are broadcast to multiple registers of different register files in a single processor cycle; see figure 1, page 3, lines 7 to 10, and page 4, lines 9 to 19.

2.4 Figure 2 shows how the result values (D1-Dn) and logical register addresses (RI) produced by the functional unit clusters (UC) are passed to the register file allocation unit (RA); see page 4, line 20, to page 5, line 7. As a result, any of the result data (D1-Dn) and logical register addresses (RI) can be distributed to any or several partitioned register files (RF1-RFn) to realize a broadcasting or multicasting function. Figure 4 shows corresponding steps of a broadcasting method.

2.5 According to page 4, lines 16 to 19, the register file allocation unit (RA) may be implemented using a demultiplexer, as shown in figure 3, which shows a register file allocation unit (RA) implemented by three de-multiplexers (DM1-DM3) feeding two OR-gates; see page 5, lines 20 to 29.

3. Added subject-matter, Article 123(2) EPC

3.1 According to the original description, for instance page 3, lines 18 to 21, the instruction word may either comprise a corresponding control or flag information indicating the broadcasting or multicasting function or may include a specific result register address indicating multicast or broadcast registers in the selected register files. The board understands the second option to mean that the result index is part of the instruction word.

3.2 A recurring question in the appealed decision is whether, as the decision concludes, the original application only disclosed the instruction word containing a single register index (RI) or whether, as the appellant has argued, the original application disclosed each instruction in the instruction word comprising a register index (RI). In the light of figure 3, which shows a register index RI associated with each of two functional unit clusters (UC1, UC2), and its description (see page 5, lines 20 to 29), the board agrees with the appellant. Each functional unit cluster in figure 3 receives variables (which the board understands as "operands"; two in the case of UC1 and three in the case of UC2) and a register index RI from the instruction word. In the board's opinion, it does not make technical sense in the context of the application that there only be one register index in the instruction word, since the VLIW DSP is designed to execute several independent instructions contained in each instruction word in parallel; see page 1, lines 21 to 22. In the board's view the independence of the instructions requires that each instruction have its own register index.

3.3 Hence the concept set out in claim 1 of both requests in the decision and in claim 1 of the present main request that "said functional units are arranged to supply a result and a logical register address derived from respective instructions in the instruction word" is properly based on the disclosure in the original application, thus overcoming this reason for the decision. Claim 8 is also properly based on the original disclosure for the same reasons.

3.4 According to the decision, the original description stated that the result register index (RRI) was derived from the result index (RI) output by the functional unit and not from the instruction in the instruction word or from the instruction word itself. Claim 1 of both then requests had been amended to contain the expression "the result register index (RRI) derived from the respective instruction comprised in said instruction word", a concept not originally disclosed.

3.5 Claim 1 of the present main request has been amended to state that the logical register address, understood as the RRI, produced by the register allocation means (RA) is based on the result from the functional units and the logical register address derived from instructions in the instruction word. In the board's view, the present expression is consequently properly based on the original disclosure, thus overcoming this reason for the decision.

3.6 The board is satisfied that the amendments to claim 1 of the main request, and to corresponding method claim 8, satisfy Article 123(2) EPC regarding added subject-matter.

4. Clarity, Article 84 EPC 1973

4.1 According to the decision, claim 1 of both requests was unclear due to the use of the expression, relating to the selection of one or more register files, "an information in said instruction word" and because of the reference, in relation to writing the result data (D1-Dn) to the "addressed register" of the selected register files. It was unclear what the "information" in said instruction word was or how it related to the "result index (RI1-RIn)" in the instruction, mentioned elsewhere in the claim.

4.2 Claim 1 of the main request now uses the different expression "wherein said functional units are arranged to supply a result and a logical register address derived from respective instructions in said instruction word" and does not refer to "an information" or a "result index". Hence claim 1 overcomes this reason for the appealed decision.

4.3 According to the decision, it was unclear how the result register index (RRI) in claim 1 of both requests was derived from the instruction in the instruction word. In the board's view, the description discloses a register index (RI) in the instruction word firstly being passed unchanged through the register allocation means (RA) and secondly being modified by the register allocation means (RA) (see page 4, lines 10 to 14). The board takes the view that the "logical register address" produced by the functional unit and converted by the register allocation means (RA) into a result register index (RRI), set out in claim 1 of the present main request, is broad, in the sense that it is not limited to a particular derivation method, but is not unclear. Moreover the example given in figure 3 shows how the result register indices (RRI) can be generated. Hence claim 1 also overcomes this reason for the decision.

4.4 The board is satisfied that claim 1 and corresponding method claim 8 of the present main request are clear, Article 84 EPC 1973.

5. Sufficiency of disclosure, Article 83 EPC 1973

5.1 According to point 14.1 of the reasons for the decision, the application insufficiently discloses how the register indices (RI1-RIn) are derived from a single result index RI in the instruction word.

5.2 As stated above, the board takes the view that the application discloses each instruction in the instruction word having its own register index. Moreover, in the light of figure 3 and page 5, lines 13 to 19, the result index RI specified for a variable in the instruction word may correspond, in the global register address map, to a broadcast/multicast register in different register files having the result register index RRI. In other words, the register index RI is mapped to particular result register indices RRI. This understanding of the invention is consistent with the statement on page 3, lines 10 to 11, that broadcasting is implemented by overlapping register address spaces, a concept which the skilled person would have understood and been able to implement without undue burden. The embodiment in figure 3 gives a concrete example of how this may be implemented, since the register index RI in the instruction word controls each of the three de-multiplexers DM1-DM3 so that the results from functional unit clusters UC1 and UC2 can be selectively supplied (thus mapping RI to a choice of RIIs), via the two OR-Gates to the inputs of register files RF1 and RF2; see the register indices RRI indicated at their inputs.

5.3 Hence the board is satisfied that the application discloses the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art, Article 83 EPC 1973.

6. Document D1

6.1 As illustrated in figure 6, D1 concerns a pipelined VLIW processor (see page 2, lines 4 to 5) having a plurality of functional units (620,622,624,626), each being associated with a segment (610,612,614,616) of a multiported register file (602). According to the paragraph bridging pages 7 and 8, an instruction word always includes one instruction for execution in the general functional unit (GFU) and up to three instructions for execution in the media functional units (MFU). A MFU instruction field within the VLIW instruction word can include an opcode (understood by the board as an "operator"), three source register fields and one destination register field. The board understands each such field to contain register address information. Each register file segment is partitioned into global registers, which are read from, and written to, by all functional units, and local registers, which are read from, and written to, only by the associated functional unit.

6.2 According to the abstract, "The local registers in a register file segment are addressed using register addresses in a local register range outside the global register range that are assigned within a single register file segment/functional unit pair. Register addresses in the local register range are the same for the plurality of register file segment/functional unit pairs and address registers locally within a register file segment/functional unit pair." The global registers can be addressed by all functional units as 0-95, but each functional unit uses a different address range to address its own local registers, such as 96-127, 128-159, 160-191 and 192-223, respectively, for the four functional units; see page 13, lines 4 to 15.| As figure 6 shows, the result from each functional unit is passed to its global registers, meaning that the result is available as an input to not only that particular functional unit but to all the others as well. |

7. Inventive step, Article 56 EPC 1973

7.1 In a communication dated 27 December 2007 the examining division raised an inventive step objection against a previous version of claims 1 and 8 on the basis that their subject-matter only differed from the disclosure of D1 in setting out a plurality of register files, while D1 disclosed a plurality of register file segments located in one register file. The objective technical problem was seen as finding an alternative to the known processing device, and the storage of the results from the functional units in a respective register file (as claimed) or a respective register file segment (as known from D1) were both regarded as obvious alternatives not involving an inventive step.

7.2 Point 15.3 of the appealed decision states that, in contrast to the disclosure of D1, the register files in the application were arranged such that the logical register address range of a part of the file overlapped with that of other files, but not necessarily with all other files, as was the case in D1. The application was thus aimed at a cheaper (the board understands this to mean "simpler") form of broadcasting using a few physical registers with the same logical register address in different register files.

7.3 The appellant has stated that the subject-matter of claim 1 differs from the disclosure of D1 in that D1 does not disclose the register file allocation unit (RA). In D1 data was exchanged by using global registers, and writing a result to a global register for one register file segment automatically overwrote the corresponding global register for all the other functional units. The objective technical problem was thus to allow the global registers of one register file segment to be overwritten without overwriting the global registers of all the other register file segments. This was achieved by the register file allocation unit (RA) allowing a register to be used as a broadcast register or a unicast register.

7.4 The board agrees with the appellant that the subject-matter of claim 1 differs from the disclosure of D1 in that D1 does not disclose the register file allocation unit (RA). In the board's view, the objective technical problem formulated by the appellant, namely to allow the global registers of one register file segment to be overwritten without overwriting the global registers of all the other register file segments, is a fair one, and it is indeed solved by the characterising features setting out the register allocation unit.

7.5 Since D1 does not disclose, or even hint at, the characterising features, which are not themselves usual matters of design, the board finds that the subject-matter of claim 1 involves an inventive step, Article 56 EPC 1973. As the method steps set out in claim 8 correspond to the features of the device of claim 1, the subject-matter of claim 8 also involves an inventive step for the same reasons.


For these reasons it is decided that:

The decision under appeal is set aside.

The case is remitted to the first instance with the order to grant a patent in the following version:

Description: page 1 as originally filed and pages 2, 2a and 3 to 6 (main request), received with the grounds of appeal.

Claims: 1 to 11 (main request), received with the grounds of appeal.

Drawings: pages 1/4 to 4/4, as originally filed.

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